Database Relationships: An Interactive Exploration of Keys

When working with relational databases, it’s critical to understand: primary and foreign keys. These concepts are essential for maintaining data integrity, establishing relationships between tables, and ensuring efficient data retrieval. This interactive demonstration will help you visualize and experiment with these concepts in a simplified database environment.

Key Concepts

  1. Primary Key: A column or set of columns that uniquely identifies each row in a table. It ensures that each record in the table is unique and can be referenced unambiguously.

  2. Foreign Key: A column or set of columns in one table that refers to the primary key in another table. It establishes a link between two tables, maintaining referential integrity.

  3. Referential Integrity: A database concept ensuring that relationships between tables remain consistent. When a foreign key value is used, it must reference a valid, existing primary key in the parent table.

Books and Authors Database Demo

In this demonstration, we will create a simple database schema with two tables: Authors and Books. The Authors table will have a primary key id, and the Books table will have a foreign key authorId referencing the id column in the Authors table. You can add, update, and delete authors and books to see how primary and foreign keys maintain data integrity.

We’ll work with a simplified library database schema consisting of two interconnected tables: Authors and Books.

  1. Authors Table: This table uses an id column as its primary key, uniquely identifying each author.

  2. Books Table: This table also has an id as its primary key, but importantly, it includes an authorId column. This authorId serves as a foreign key, creating a relationship with the Authors table.

Try out the following actions:

  • Add new authors and books
  • Update existing entries
  • Delete authors and books
  • Attempt operations that violate referential integrity
    • e.g. adding a book with a non-existent author ID.

As you experiment with the demo, consider how these actions might apply in larger, more complex database systems:

  • How might an e-commerce platform use primary and foreign keys to manage products, customers, and orders?
  • In what ways could a university database system use these concepts to manage students, courses, and enrollments?

If you encounter any issues or want to start fresh, you can reset the demo to its initial state by clicking the “Reset Demo” button.

Authors Table (Primary Key: id)

ID (Primary Key) Name Delete

Books Table (Foreign Key: authorId)

ID (Primary Key) Title Author ID (Foreign Key) Delete


In this demonstration, you interacted with a simplified database schema consisting of two tables: Authors and Books. By adding, updating, and deleting authors and books, you explored how primary and foreign keys maintain data integrity and enforce relationships between tables. Specifically, we hope you observed the following key concepts:

  1. Auto-incrementing Primary Keys: When adding a new author or book without specifying an ID, the system automatically assigns the next available ID. This mimics auto-increment functionality in many database systems, ensuring unique primary keys.

  2. Foreign Key Constraints: When adding a book, you must specify an existing author ID. If you try to add a book with an author ID that doesn’t exist, you’ll receive an error. This demonstrates how foreign key constraints maintain referential integrity.

  3. Cascading Deletes: When you delete an author, notice that all books associated with that author are also deleted. This simulates a cascading delete in a relational database, which helps maintain referential integrity when a parent record is removed.

  4. Update Operations: If you enter an ID that already exists, the application updates the existing record instead of creating a new one. This demonstrates how primary keys are used to uniquely identify and modify specific records.

With these insights, you’re now better equipped to navigate the intricate world of database management. Remember, in the realm of data, integrity is king, and primary and foreign keys are your loyal defenders of that throne.