# Convert escape sequences in text using base R
<- function(text) {
convert_escapes # Define a list of escape sequences and their replacements
<- list(
escapes "\\n" = "\n",
'\\"' = '"',
"\\'" = "'",
"\\\\" = "\\",
"\\t" = "\t",
"\\r" = "\r",
"\\b" = "\b",
"\\f" = "\f"
# Iterate through the escape sequences and replace them
for (escape in names(escapes)) {
<- gsub(escape, escapes[[escape]], text, fixed = TRUE)
Escape Sequence Converter
This escape sequence converter takes a text string and converts it into their actual characters. It handles common escape sequences such as \n
, \"
, \'
, and others. For example, if we have:
This is a line\\nThis is another line\\nQuotes: \\\" and \\'
Then, we would expect:
This is a line
This is another line Quotes: " and '
Online Escape Sequence Converter
Enter your text with escape sequences (e.g., \n
, \"
, \'
) or regular text you would like escaped below:
How It Works
The converter uses JavaScript to replace escape sequences with their corresponding characters:
becomes a newline\"
becomes a double quote\'
becomes a single quote\\
becomes a single backslash\t
becomes a tab\r
becomes a carriage return\b
becomes a backspace\f
becomes a form feed
Any unrecognized escape sequences are left as-is in the output.
Code Implementations
Similar operations are possible using programming languages like R and Python. Below are functions in R and Python that perform the same conversion on text strings.
# Sample input
<- "This is a line\\nThis is another line\\nQuotes: \\\" and \\'"
# Results
cat("Original text:\n", input_text, "\n\n", sep = "")
Original text:
This is a line\nThis is another line\nQuotes: \" and \'
cat("Converted text:\n", convert_escapes(input_text), sep = "")
Converted text:
This is a line
This is another line
Quotes: " and '
# Apply the conversion using stringr
<- function(text) {
convert_escapes_stringr if(!requireNamespace("stringr", quietly = TRUE)) {
message("The 'stringr' package is required for this function. Please install it using 'install.packages(\"stringr\")' if you want to use this function.")
# Define the escape sequences and their replacements
::str_replace_all(text, c(
stringr"\\\\n" = "\n",
"\\\\\"" = "\"",
"\\\\'" = "'",
"\\\\\\\\" = "\\",
"\\\\t" = "\t",
"\\\\r" = "\r",
"\\\\b" = "\b",
"\\\\f" = "\f")
) }
# Sample input
<- "This is a line\\nThis is another line\\nQuotes: \\\" and \\'"
# Results
cat("Original text:\n", input_text, "\n\n", sep = "")
Original text:
This is a line\nThis is another line\nQuotes: \" and \'
cat("Converted text:\n", convert_escapes_stringr(input_text), sep = "")
The 'stringr' package is required for this function. Please install it using 'install.packages("stringr")' if you want to use this function.
Converted text:
This is a line\nThis is another line\nQuotes: \" and \'
import re
def convert_escapes(text):
def replace_escape(match):
= match.group(1)
escape_char = {
escapes 'n': '\n',
't': '\t',
'r': '\r',
'b': '\b',
'f': '\f',
'"': '"',
"'": "'",
'\\': '\\'
}return escapes.get(escape_char, match.group(0))
return re.sub(r'\\(.)', replace_escape, text)
# Sample input
= r"This is a line\nThis is another line\nQuotes: \" and '\nBackslash: \\\nUnrecognized: \z"
# Results
print("Original text:\n", input_text, "\n", sep = '')
Original text:
This is a line\nThis is another line\nQuotes: \" and '\nBackslash: \\\nUnrecognized: \z
print("Converted text:\n", convert_escapes(input_text), sep = '')
Converted text:
This is a line
This is another line
Quotes: " and '
Backslash: \
Unrecognized: \z